Saturday, September 25, 2010

September happenings

We had a 90th birthday party for my mother a few weeks ago. It was a great success - 108 people attended! It was so nice to see my Mom and Dad enjoying their friends and family. Quite a few people came in from out of town and we visited with cousins we don't get to see very often. All of my siblings were here - the pictures came out great!! We are already planning Daddy's 90th party in two years - but we may have to rent a place for the next one.

Last night we attended a 50th birthday party for Teresa. John and Joanna have such a great house for parties. Between the Theriot's and the Fisse's it was crazy. We spent the night at Britt and Jimmy's house. Saturday morning Gee headed to his hunting lease somewhere in Mississippi and I headed home.

Life is a little crazy with our living arrangements right now, but here's the good part - when we are together we are genuinely excited to see each other and have so much to talk about. We also love having another "home" and area to explore. Gee has lost weight and looks great - and we both enjoy the beauty of the area.

Life is good.