Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Seven things

OK- now it's my turn:

Seven things I can’t do:

Whistle - you probably inherited that from me, Britt
Bite cold things.
Stay awake super late.
Lie without laughing - I never get anything over on anyone!
Ride a bike - I need to relearn.
Talk on the phone while driving - I can do this but don't like to.
Drink and drive.

Seven things I can do:

Find my way around - I have a good sense of direction.
Make stained glass windows.
Chill out by myself - I don't have to have a lot of people around.
Be patient.
Read all day!
Lay around on a beach, mountainside, or near a pool with a good magazine/book.
Teach children how to talk clearly.

Seven things I want to do before I die:
Travel to Hawaii and the Florida Keyes
Play with my grandbabies
Travel to Bali and Italy
Learn how to make pottery.
Travel to every state in the US
Did I mention travel?

The Seven dwarves are (google is cheating!):
Who cares

Seven things I say most often:
Look at me!
Such is life.
How was your day?
Are you kidding me?
Oh well.

Seven movies I love:
Little Women
Steel Magnolias
Old black and white movies
Julia Roberts movies
Sandra Bullock movies
Almost all romantic comedies

1 comment:

Brittany said...

So I guess you don't understand the saying "It's like riding a bike"