Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nice weekend

It was so nice to have Britt home for the weekend. We had lots of family time and girl time. The game was fun until the end - tigers are still the best! Today I cooked lots of yummy foods - a mini Thanksgiving dinner - and packed up the leftovers for Britt, Zac, and Jimmy. Jimmy came to eat with us - that was nice. Next weekend Rummel tailgating, Death Valley tailgating and the next Kristin's wedding. Lots to look forward to!


Angelle said...

Why did you decide to have a mini-Thanksgiving? Sounds yum! I wish we could go to Kristin's wedding. We can't afford to come twice. Give everyone our love and best wishes!

Myrn said...

Britt was talking about her heavy load at school - 19 hours- and two jobs and responsibilities with PAD and Law Review so I decided that I needed to cook so she could take leftovers home. Also - you know we always have way more food than two people can eat! I wish ya'll could come to the wedding also - we will miss you. I'm so sorry to hear about your camera - that must have been disappointing. But the trip sounds great!