Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Gee and I decided to go out to eat this Halloween. We live in a neighborhood where very few children trick or treat so I usually end up eating all the candy. Which is not good - especially since I am trying to eat healthier! Anyway - so we went to Flannagan's in Thibodeaux and then walked around Sam's. Not an especially exciting Halloween but it was nice.

Last weekend was a lot of fun. Kristin was a beautiful bride - and it was fun staying downtown in the Historic French Quarter Inn! The next day Gee and I had breakfast at Camilla Grill and shopped on Magazine Street, then a picnic lunch of roast beef sandwiches, stuffed artichoke and root beer.

Sunday my GRITS friends and I gave a shower for one of the groups daughters. We had yummy food and Jack Daniels punch. We had the most fun sitting around visiting after the shower. We used to all work together but now - some are retired and the rest of us are at different schools.

My job this year had been great. I supervise two therapists who have 12 classes of 4 year olds between them. They are so cute! I am also having a little success with one of my autistic students so that is rewarding. Anyway - since I have 2 to 5 years to work I'm glad I still like it.

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