Saturday, November 10, 2007

A few answers

What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
Put eye drops in my eyes now that I sleep in my contacts!

Do you prefer a shower or bath? I love to soak in the tub!

How many times a day do you brush your teeth? 3-4

How often do you find yourself thinking about your ex? Never!

What would you do with a 10 bill you found on the ground? Spend it

What would you do with your significant other if you knew today was your last day with them?
I can't imagine!

Have you said “I love you” today? Yes!

What’s one thing you actually remember about kindergarten? A boy kissed me!

Are you closer to your Mom or Dad? Both

Doyou prefer the tanning bed or the sun? sun

Is chocolate really better than sex? Sometimes

What’s 2 of your favorite movies? Hmmm

What’s the last thing you think about before going to sleep at night? Whether or not the next day is a work day.

What would you do if your best friend jumped on your ex the day after you two split? I'd be furious!

Does your life seem to revolve around drama? No

How do you calm down when your extremely angry? By taking a walk or just being alone.

Do long distance relationships actually work out? I don't know - long distance friendships do.

What are 2 of your favorite places to eat? Cafe Milano's and West Main Pizza

What are three of your favorite places to shop? New York and Company, Pier One, and Target

Which would you prefer…be rich and miserable, or poor and extremely happy?Poor and happy

What's one of your favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy

What did you want to be when you “grow up”? I'm doing it!

Would you want a house at the beach or in the mountains? On a beach with a moutain backdrop.
Which would you rather have…a huge walk in shower or a jacuzzi bath tub? Jacuzzi tub

What’s your favorite ice cream? Mango

Are you a prep or a jeans-and-t-shirt type of person? Jeans

What color are your eyes? Brown

Do you have glasses or contacts? Contacts

Is it love at first sight or lust? Love definitely!

What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a pair of jeans? $40

What color are your bedroom walls? Green

Do you ever actually make your bed? Yes

How many pillows do you have to sleep with? Two

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