Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Fun

Gee and I had such a fun and relaxing weekend. Friday night was my dad's birthday and we had a party for him with family and friends. Gail's gumbo was awesome and I think he really enjoyed his presents. It was nice to see my family - we just don't do that often enough.

Saturday morning we left for Lafayette. It was Kayla's 21st birthday so Janice and Lige had a crawfish boil in her honor. It was a beautiful day with high's in the 70's (my favorite temperature!) and we had a great time visiting and meeting Kayla's friends. Most of us ended up at the Tap Room later that night - including Zac and several of his friends. It's really nice- has a very upscale feeling and tons of people were there. It's located in River Ranch - a beautiful community - sort of a town within a town.

Some of you may know that Gee and I have terrible luck in hotels - we ALWAYS end up by the noisy people and we never get much sleep. Well Gee and I are telling Zac about some of our experiences as we are walking to our room and what do we hear but a room full of people laughing and talking really loud. And the closer we get to our room the louder it gets. They were right next door - unbelieveable! - not again! So we decided that if they didn't settle down that night we were going to complain. Well it ended up being fine and we were able to sleep - but really - of all the luck!

Sunday we went to Bass Pro Shop in Denhim Springs. I've been to several of these stores but never one like this one. It's huge - way bigger that any I've ever seen and absolutely beautiful inside. It was like being outdoors! I didn't look at much of the merchandise - I couldn't get over the building! We didn't buy anything but we did have fun. We also went through a few antique shops - I bought a pretty blue glass bowl for $6.50 and we bought a bay leaf tree at a nursery - Gee has been wanting one - now all we need is the crawfish!

So our weekend was the greatest - my husband is the greatest - and now - time to read my book! Bye!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good weekend...the Bass Pro shop sounds like a lot more fun than the bridal show. Good choice!

Angelle said...

I love our Bass Pro Shop here too. The kids love to watch the fish tank. Crawfish boil sounds like fun. We will have to repeat it when we are there.